The Fresh Approach Podcast: skills & strategies to live your healthiest & happiest life!

HOW Game of Thrones got me more peace...and apple pie!

Episode Summary

In this episode, we’re talking about a HABIT you might have (I know I do!) that gets in the way of YOU taking the best care of yourself...and WHAT you can do about it! Plus, how baking an APPLE PIE might be the BEST thing you can do to take care of yourself right now! So let's get started!

Episode Notes

In this episode, we’re talking about a HABIT you might have (I know I do!) that gets in the way of YOU taking the best care of yourself...and WHAT you can do about it! I'm giving you TWO
stories from my own life - being real vulnerable here - and how I'm taking steps to transform this unfortunate habit into a kinder practice...and you can too!

Plus, my brilliant client Monica is GETTING CLEAR and SHOWING UP for herself in the BEST way possible! She's baking an apple pie! WHY is that the best thing she can do for herself right now? Find out how Monica is using her tools, skills, and strategies to continually move herself forward and create an awesome life for herself!

Please HELP help YOU! And yes, that's a JERRY MAGUIRE reference. Tell me what you'd like to hear me talk about more - what you'd like to learn more about...on this podcast! CLICK HERE for the 2-question survey. Seriously, it'll take you like 30 seconds. Thank you!

The Fresh Approach SUMMER COACHING session begins soon! You can cultivate the same tools, skills, and strategies Monica is using to make consistent progress on her lifelong journey! And YOU can make the progress you’ve been wishing for too! We’ll work together to create your personalized plan that covers all the essential healthy living practices - and I personally check in with you - yep, I’m your accountability partner - and we'll work through the things that get in the way of you following through with your daily plan! That’s where most of us get stuck
anyway, right? You know what to do, and basically how to do it, but then life happens. But NO WORRIES...we'll work together on the LIFE HAPPENING part! This summer you can work with me one-on-one. More details are coming soon, but if you’d like the info early - or to reserve your seat for the summer session - just email me:

If you'd like to join us in the Fresh Approach Facebook Group - first you need to know a couple things. There are a few questions to answer before you can be invited in (after you click the link), you will be included in my email community, AND I do tag members in the group to see how they're doing - if they're taking the best care of themselves. If you're good with all of this, then CLICK THIS LINK to join us!

My goal is to help you live your healthiest and happiest life by cultivating healthy practices with a peaceful, Fresh Approach. I’m a Life Coach. I’m not a medical or mental health care professional. Your participation in this podcast, the Fresh Approach Facebook Group, my social media, and email community - means you agree and understand that what I’m teaching is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice. Always speak to your doctor or other professional healthcare care provider before undertaking or making changes to any health program.

© 2019 Mary E. Clark, LLC